Book Online

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How to Book your Hot desk in Malta online

  1. Choose Your Membership: select the membership plan that best suits your needs. Whether you need a hot desk for a day, week, or month, we've got you covered. Choose the option that works best for you.
  2. Choose the Starting Date: pick the date when you want your hot desk booking to start. You can easily select the date from the calendar available on the booking page.
  3. Fill in Your Personal Info: provide your personal information, including your name, email, and phone number. This information is necessary to confirm your booking and keep you updated on the latest information regarding your hot desk reservation.
  4. Check and Confirm Your Cart: review the details of your booking to make sure everything is correct. Check the membership plan, starting date, and personal information to ensure they are accurate. Once you're satisfied, confirm your cart.
  5. Confirm the Purchase: complete the purchase process by confirming your payment information. Payment will be processed on-site and we accept a variety of payment methods, including cash and credit/debit cards, to make the process as seamless as possible.

Once your purchase is confirmed, you'll receive an email of confirmation with the instructions for payment. Keep this email safe, as it will contain important information about your hot desk booking. With these five simple steps, you'll have everything you need to book a hot desk online and get to work!

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